A WISE-CRACKING Pensnett bus driver is preparing for the toughest challenge of his life - to stop telling jokes for 61 days for charity.

Funny man Dave Gerrard has been splitting the sides of colleagues on the buses for over 47 years but he his slamming the breaking on his gags throughout August and September.

The bus driver’s bosses at National Express are backing his charity silence and all the money raised will go towards Birmingham Dogs Home.

Big hearted drivers and staff at Pensnett bus depot have already pledged cash to keep their gag-a-minute colleague quiet for two months.

Dave, aged 69, from Stourbridge, said: “Animal cruelty is no laughing matter and I wanted to do something for Birmingham Dogs Home who are going through a tough time at the moment.

“It is going to be hard not telling one single jokes in two months but I am sure everyone at Pensnett bus depot will be relieved for the respite from my constant punchlines.

“I stopped telling jokes for a few weeks in 2010 for Help for Heroes and found it almost impossible so I’ve no idea how I’m going to cope for two months.”

As well as cash Dave is hoping people donate food, blankets and toys to his appeal for Birmingham Dogs Home.

He said: “Some poor dogs have been so badly treated that they are unable to be saved but happily most recover fully to become loved and loving pets.

“I love making people laugh and even buy joke books to ensure I always have a new joke to make people smile but for two months and for a good cause I’ll keep quiet.”

To help Dave’s charity drive for Birmingham Dogs Home phone 07516 087 775.