DUDLEY'S civic and religious leaders have spoken of their shock after the sudden death of a popular community vicar.

Former mayor's chaplain and priest in charge of the central Dudley ministry, Reverend Tony Attwood, died last week aged 65.

Revd Attwood moved to the midlands in 2003 and served the parishes of St Barnabas on the Russell's Hall Estate and St Thomas and St Luke (Top Church) until he retired in 2011 to work for the church in Peru.

A former mayor of Dudley who worked closely with Revd Attwood, Cllr Ian Kettle, said: "Tony was dedicated to his calling and worked selflessly and with enthusiasm.

"He was happy dealing with the poor and less privileged people in Dudley and served in a steady and dedicated fashion. He was a good man who will be sorely missed."

Revd Attwood regularly oversaw borough civic events including services to mark Remembrance Sunday and the Battle of Britain.

He also took an active role in the community, working to aid Dudley town centre management and regeneration.

Revd Andrew Wickens, from St James's Church, said: "There are many organisations across the town and borough that will remember with gratitude the support Tony gave them and he valued hugely his friendships across different churches and religions.

"Tony's death has come as a shock to all who knew him and especially in the congregations where he served here."

Revd Attwood was a regular runner in the London Marathon, raising thousands of pounds for USPG, an Anglican mission agency supporting the church's work around the world.

He paid several visits to Peru however his final mission to Lima in the south American country was cut short due to illness.

The Right Reverend David Walker, Bishop of Dudley, said, “I’ve known and respected Tony since we were colleagues together in Yorkshire at the time of the miners’ strike.

"His reputation there was sealed when, making a pastoral visit to a picket line one night, he was chased through the woods by police dogs.

"If there’s a queue outside the pearly gates this week, then I’m sure he and Margaret Thatcher will be passing the time in a vigorous and challenging debate”.

Revd Attwood leaves two children, Margaret and Jefferson, a family funeral in Nottingham is likely to be followed by a memorial service at a later date.

The current Mayor of Dudley, Cllr Melvyn Mottram, said: "We are all very saddened to hear about the death of Reverend Tony Attwood. He was for years a close friend of the council. Our thoughts are with his family at this very sad time."