A DUDLEY businessman took on an intrepid cycling challenge in honour of a loved one who is battling an incurable form of bone cancer.

Mike Wheeler, CEO of Dudley based business Truckman, completed the gruelling 105-mile Aberdovey Bike Ride from Wolverhampton to the Welsh coast to raise funds for Myeloma UK.

He took on the challenge along with a group of cycling friends, where he cycled to support his sister-in-law Deb Gascoyne, who was diagnosed ten years ago with myeloma, a currently incurable form of bone cancer.

Deb, who lives in Stourbridge, underwent a bone marrow transplant eight years ago and is now preparing for another round of treatment after suffering a relapse in November.

Mike explained: "My thoughts during the ride were never far away from Deb and her family. She is currently awaiting further treatment, which means three weeks in hospital followed by six months recuperation.

“I’m pleased to have raised both awareness and funds for Myeloma UK, which has just launched a new research programme, and offers a range of programmes and services designed to support patients and their friends and family.

"I would like to say I did plenty of training for the ride, but this would be a lie. I have promised myself that I will prepare next year as the pain in the rear was definitely higher than the previous year.

“It was tough, especially going through the Welsh hills, but arriving in the seaside town of Aberdovey was lovely and the support of the crowds on the street was fantastic. As was the reward of a few pints on the seafront."

Mike raised £400 for Myeloma UK and donations can be still made to his appeal

