A BIG-HEARTED Black Country firm has delivered 150kg of food to help retired greyhounds in Dudley this Christmas.

The Greyhound Trust in Dudley provides care for dogs that have retired from racing and are looking for a family to settle down with.

As with most charities they have suffered due to the Covid-19 crisis so Cradley Heath roofing firm T Newman Ltd stepped up to provide food for the dogs over the Christmas period.

Trevor Newman, managing director of T Newman Ltd, said: “At this time of year it is all about reaching out and helping where you can. I have a soft spot for Greyhounds as an ex-owner, and I know the team at Trust do an incredible job all year long.

“We hope this amount of food will help keep the dogs that are still in the kennels over the festive period well fed, and take some of the pressure off the Trust."

Dudley News: L-r - lead volunteer Deb Worton and company director Emma Poole with chief operating officer Paul BrothwoodL-r - lead volunteer Deb Worton and company director Emma Poole with chief operating officer Paul Brothwood

Paul Brothwood, the firm's chief operating officer, said: “I fostered a beautiful Greyhound during the lockdown last year, they are such amazing pets. Our firm always looks to support local groups and charities.”

Deb Worton, lead volunteer at the trust's base in Turls Hill Road, Coseley, added: “It is so kind of the company to reach out to us, we are very thankful for any donation, this has certainly given us a great Christmas boost.

Dudley News: The huge food bags donated to the Greyhound TrustThe huge food bags donated to the Greyhound Trust

"Our dogs will certainly have full bellies and hopefully we find them some lovely new family homes for the New Year.”