THE new Mayor of Dudley has been officially sworn in and has pledged to raise thousands of pounds for four charities.

Hayley Green and Cradley South councillor Andrea Goddard took on the role at a meeting of the full council on Thursday May 18.

The borough’s first citizen was previously Deputy Mayor for the past 12 months.

As the new Mayor, she's promised to raise money for Dudley Community First Responders, Mary Stevens Hospice, UpsnDowns and Prostate Cancer.

Cllr Goddard said it was "a great honour" to become mayor and to be an ambassador for the borough.

She added: "I will grab the opportunity with both hands to not only raise the profile of four very worthwhile charities but also the much-needed funding they require to allow them to continue their incredible work.

"I hope people will help me raise as much as we can over the next 12 months."

Dudley Community First Responders supports the ambulance service on emergency calls.

Mary Stevens Hospice in Stourbridge has been providing care for people living with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses since 1991.

UpsnDowns provides support and advice for children, adults and families affected by Down’s syndrome.

Prostate Cancer raises money for people and families affected by cancer.

Cllr Goddard replaces Sue Greenaway, who served as Mayor last year.

Dudley News: Mayor of Dudley Councillor Andrea Goddard with consort - Councilllor James ClintonMayor of Dudley Councillor Andrea Goddard with consort - Councilllor James Clinton (Image: Dudley Council)

The new Mayor's consort will be Pedmore and Stourbridge East councillor James Clinton.

Amblecote councillor Peter Lee has been named Deputy Mayor for the next 12 months, and his wife Gloria will be Deputy Mayoress.