BRIERLEY Hill Library is to re-open on Monday (December 4) following a £670,000 refurbishment.

The library’s internal works, new décor and flooring has been organised by Dudley Council and was funded through the UK Government’s Future High Streets Fund.

Library users will be able to enjoy improved ground floor access, a children’s library and new meeting rooms for community use such as school classes, group sessions and family activities.

Councillor Paul Bradley, deputy leader of Dudley Council said: “Brierley Hill High Street has had significant investment over the last 12 months, and the refurbishment of the library is one element of the regeneration plans for the town centre.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents and the businesses for their patience and cooperation during these works, as we continue to make the town a more attractive and accessible place for people to visit, shop and do business.”

Nearby St Michael’s Church hosted a pop-up library throughout the works to enable residents to continue to access books, use library equipment and attend community groups and classes.

Councillor Ian Bevan, the council’s cabinet member responsible for libraries, said: “The library is a really important hub for local people and it’s great to see it back open again on the high street.

“We would also like to thank St Michael’s Church for ensuring that the residents of Brierley Hill have been able to access some of the library services during this period.”

Annette Templar, GLL’s sector libraries manager for Dudley, said: “GLL library staff can’t wait to get back into Brierley Hill Library – now impressively refurbished.

“We look forward to welcoming everyone back.”

Brierley Hill Library will be open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 6pm, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9am to 5pm and Saturdays from 9am to 4pm.