PLANS for three new houses on the site of a former Dudley Council housing office have been thrown out.

The scheme, on the corner of Brewery Road and Watson’s Green Road in Dudley, for three-bedroom homes included two semi-detached dwellings and a detached house.

In a report for planners, council officers recommended refusal, saying: “The proposed dwellings would not conform to good urban design principles.”

Planners agreed and concluded the buildings would be ‘overbearing, awkward and unsympathetic to the street scene of Watsons Green Road’.

Meanwhile, planners have approved the demolition of an empty Brierley Hill pub.

The former pub on High Street, BrockmoorThe former pub on High Street, Brockmoor

Applications to replace The Brockmoor House on High Street with a shop had twice been rejected after concerns about the visual impact of the new building, limited parking and access for delivery vehicles which included trucks straying onto the wrong side of the road when leaving the site.

The latest plans have been amended to relocate the building on the site and create 17 parking spaces instead of 13 on previous designs.

The new layout also means trucks can operate without any highway safety problems.