DUDLEY Council's planners have rejected an application for five new bungalows in Sedgley.

The application for a plot of land on Gorge Road requested permission for the partial demolition of an existing house to make way for the two-bedroom homes and associated works including a private allotment for each bungalow.

The existing house was locally listed and dates from the 19th century but it had later been added to with buildings at the rear which were described by planning officers in their report as ‘unsympathetic’.

Planning officers also reported previous applications for development of up to eight bungalows on the site had been approved.

In relation to the latest application however the report said: “The proposed layout for plots 1-3 would appear much tighter with significantly less space around the bungalows.

“Whereas other plots on the site would benefit from much larger and generous plots.

“It is considered that the proposed development as a whole would appear very restricted and as a result would read as a cramped form of development that would be in stark contrast to the general urban form to the wider area.”

Planners concluded the development would be backland development that was contrived and awkward, they also found the buildings did not have adequate living space and did not provide sufficient access and parking for vehicles.