IN my first column for the Halesowen & Dudley News, I want to take the time to thank everyone who voted for me to be your MP earlier this year, and to introduce myself as your Member of Parliament. It is a huge honour to represent our town in Westminister, and I will always speak up for the people and the best interest of Dudley.

My father is a local businessman, he taught me hard work, determination and to take pride in our heritage. Having run his greengrocers for 45 years, I understand the value of small business and what entrepreneurship can bring to Dudley. So I will be an advocate for all businesses - whether it relate to our strong industrial history, bringing tourism to our area or smaller retail businesses looking to secure high street premises.

I will stay true to my roots as an NHS professional and continue to keep in mind the patients I saw from across our town. For the past 14 years, I’ve watched the NHS struggle with limited resources and the challenges people face whilst using our healthcare system. This experience is what drove me to become an MP for Dudley.

My primary goal is to enhance the well-being of residents living in our area, by working in partnership with other NHS professionals, charities and communities. For example, I recently attended events and met people with Versus Arthritis, British Heart Foundation and the Royal Osteoporosis Society. It is also crucial we prepare the NHS so that it's equipped to meet the evolving needs of our country.

More recently in Parliament, I brought to attention and spoke out against the considerable car parking rises in Dudley. They will hurt businesses, students and the users of the leisure centre. I’ve also been meeting with key figures, from local councillors to Dudley’s Chief Superintendent (Anthony Tagg), to the Chief Executive of NHS England (Amanda Pritchard). I will continue to work in collaboration with various stakeholders so that we can deliver the best outcomes for Dudley.

As your MP, I want to help tackle your problems and concerns head on and if you think you could do with my support, please reach out to If you want to keep up with what I’m doing for Dudley, check out my social media.