People in Dudley are being urged to prioritise their eye health.

Dudley Council's Vision Support Service is raising awareness about regular eye tests ahead of National Eye Health Week.

The service, which helps those with significant sight loss in the borough, is hosting drop-in sessions and talks from Monday 23 to Friday, September 27.

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Staff will be visiting borough libraries and will be available at Queens Cross from Monday to Friday, from 10am to 3pm.

They will be offering advice and information to people who are struggling with sight loss.

The service particularly helps those who cannot be assisted by glasses, and those with cataracts or degenerative sight loss conditions like macular degeneration.

Councillor Andrea Goddard, cabinet member for adult social care, said: "Vision is so important, and sight is the sense that many people fear losing the most, and yet many people don’t always know how to look after and protect eyesight or where to get support if they are losing their sight.

"The vision support service offers lots of information, advice, support, as well as signposting to helpful organisations to anyone with sight loss, to make life easier, enabling them to continue living independently and getting the best out of life."

The service offers assistance with daily tasks, such as reading letters or getting into work, for those struggling due to sight loss.

Councillor Goddard added: "The service is here and keen to help anyone with sight loss to stay independent and happy and people can have a free assessment at home, where our specialists will explore equipment and home adaptations and help with getting out and about.”

The team will be at Dudley Library on Monday, Stourbridge Library on Tuesday, Brierley Hill Library on Wednesday, Halesowen Library on Thursday, and Kingswinford Library on Friday.