CHANGES are to be made to the council tax reduction scheme – but local authority bosses have pledged it will continue to protect the most vulnerable in the borough.

Dudley Council’s cabinet has approved plans to go out to consultation to seek residents’ views on a revised scheme.

People can now have their say at

The consultation will run until November 6, with a view to the new scheme coming into force next April.

Across the council's area, currently around 22,982 council tax payers receiving council tax reduction of which 13,984 are of working age. The total cost of the scheme is around £21m, with around £11m supporting working age households. Pension age households will not see any change as the scheme.

The changes aim to reduce the administrative burden on the council, ensure the continuation of support for lowest income families and improve the level of council tax collection.

Working age claimants are currently allowed up to a maximum of 77 per cent off their council tax bills, and the revised scheme maintains that figure.

Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of Dudley Council, said: “It is absolutely critical that we continue to do all we can to protect the most vulnerable residents in our borough.

“To that end, the revised scheme will not see benefits cut for the people who most need it.

“The changes are more about making it easier to administer the scheme, both for our staff and for residents.

“The consultation is now now live and we want to hear residents’ views. We will take those into account and look to put a revised system in place in time for April next year.”