WORK is set to start on replacing a bridge which has been serving a school and residents in Sedgley for more than 70 years.

Dudley Council bosses had to close the original wooden bridge, off Padarn Close and near to Alder Coppice Primary School, during the summer after it was deemed unsafe.

The bridge, which allows access over a brook onto Padarn Close, off The Northway, was reputedly designed by a former pupil of the school in the 1950s and had served the community ever since.

On Friday September 27 a new galvanised steel bridge arrived on site, with work due to start next week on installing it as a replacement.

Councillor Damian Corfield, Dudley Council's cabinet member for highways and environmental services, said: “Since we closed the bridge I have been contacted by lots of frustrated parents asking if it would be replaced.

“In some cases it had added 15 to 20 minutes onto their journey time walking into school.

“I’m delighted to see a replacement arrive on site today, and our operatives will get cracking on installing it next week with a view to opening it to the public as soon as possible.”