DUDLEY Council planners have given the go-ahead for new homes on land next to a working men’s club in Coseley.

The development will see the construction of four detached houses and renovation of the club’s car park on Ivyhouse Lane.

Objections were received from neighbouring residents who were concerned about loss of privacy and the new houses being out of keeping with existing homes in the area.

In a report on the application, council planning officers said: “It is considered that subject to conditions, the proposed dwellings would not have a significant adverse impact on the amenity for occupiers of the surrounding dwellings.”

Planners have also granted outline permission for two new homes in Brierley Hill.

The application relates to a side garden and a driveway associated with number 19 Hill Street and proposes development of the site to create a pair of semi-detached bungalows.

Despite the land being identified as greenfield a report from planning officers said: “There may be cases where the development of residential curtilages might be possible. 

“The indicative layout indicates an infill development with the proposed one bedroom bungalows sited between existing properties, an arrangement which is broadly deemed to be acceptable and would be appropriate within the context of the application site.”

Dudley Council has been asked to rule on an application to replace a car sales business in Kingswinford with new houses.

A plan has been submitted to demolish Mill Garage on Market Street with six semi-detached properties.

A statement supporting the application said: “The design rationale is to provide a vibrant, high quality housing scheme that respects and enhances the local environment of the site.” 

The council has also been asked for permission to demolish a commercial building plagued by antisocial behaviour to build new homes in Halesowen.

If allowed, a three-storey block containing nine two-bedroom apartments would be built on the site of Marsons Summerhill Development Ltd on Summer Hill.

A statement supporting the application said: “Overall it is believed that the proposal would bring many benefits to the site and drastically improve the appearance of the plot.”